Lungwort (Pulmonaria spp.) Is an herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennial that thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, depending on the species. Sadly, this vibrant ground cover plant is classified as having toxic properties by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Poisonous Plant Database. It contains several potentially poisonous substances that could harm your feline companion when it eats them or rubs against the leaves.
All About Lungwort
Lungworts are shade-loving plants that grow best in moist, well-drained, humus-rich dirt. Typically, these plants serve as ground cover or you could set them around the borders of shady places in your garden. Lungworts are comparatively low-maintenance and supply a pop of colour in your garden with their clusters of bell-shaped small white, pink or blue flowers, which blossom in the spring. Their lush basal leaves are solid green in colour or are decoratively spotted with splotches of white or silver; some varieties are nearly completely covered in gold. It’s the leaves that give this beautiful plant its unfortunate name, since the spotted leaves resemble diseased lungs.
Are Lungworts Toxic?
The leaves, stems and blooms of lungworts contain several toxic substances, including saponins and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and saponins are grouped by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as poisonous to both cats and dogs. These substances can cause many different symptoms when ingested like liver injury, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulties walking, lethargy, neurological problems and a lack of appetite.
Lungworts and Dermatitis
The beautiful speckled leaves of lungworts are covered in rough small hairs known as trichomes. All these trichomes can irritate skin and result in dermatitis if your kitty rubs up against the leaves. Your feline friend may also encounter some annoyance in its mouth when it chews on some of the plant’s leaves or stems. Even though lungwort is not recorded in the ASPCA’s list of plants that are poisonous to cats, it’s ideal to keep Fluffy from your lungwort plants due to their saponin and alkaloid content and their irritating trichomes.
Toxic Relatives
Lungworts are in the borage family (Boraginaceae). Most plants in this family have been considered somewhat poisonous, including heliotropes (Heliotrope arborescens, USDA zones 10 through 11). Heliotropes are classified as toxic for cats, as mentioned on the website of the Arlington Cat Clinic in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Considerations and Cautions
While lungwort plants are not particularly delicious to creatures, which is the reason why they’re somewhat resistant even to deer, your curious kitty might try to nibble on them. Should you suspect that your kitty has absorbed your lungworts, seek the advice of your vet immediately. Cover your lungworts with garden netting to discourage your cat from eating them and track your cat while it’s outdoors to keep it from eating some of your plants.