Do I want to Add Water After Dipping the Stem in Root Stimulator?

Rooting cuttings you have taken from your favourite plants don’t always work out like you had hoped because not all plants readily create origins. Using a rooting hormone or root stimulator will help coax new growth from cuttings which may otherwise remain stubbornly barren. Root stimulators will help easy-to-root cuttings develop strong roots more quickly. Root stimulators can be found in gel, powder and liquid form. Watering after implementing root stimulator into the stems is generally not essential.

Powders and Gels

Make sure the planting medium is gently moistened and earn a hole wide enough so the treated stem goes in without wiping the main stimulator off. Moisten the cut end of the stem and dip it into the rooting powder or gel to a depth of about 1 inch. Gently tap the stem on the face of the powder container to remove any excess. Insert the stem into the prepared planting hole and firm the planting medium against the stem. Avoid getting the item on your skin, and avoid inhaling the powder form.

Rooting Stimulator Concentrates

Mix 3 1/2 tablespoons of concentrated root stimulator in to 1 gallon of water, or even according to the directions on the label. It isn’t necessary to dip the base of the cutting in the mixture. Pour the main stimulator mixture on the potting medium as you cover the base of the cutting in order that the potting medium is thoroughly moistened but not wet. If you’re planting cuttings directly into the ground, then pour the mixture as you plant so the planting area is well watered, but not so wet that the mixture runs off.

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