The best way to Prune Golden Cane

The Dypsis lutescens tree – generally called the Areca palm, yellow butterfly palm, yellow bamboo palm or golden cane palm – originally comes from Madagascar but grows in Sunset zones H1, H2, 23 and 24, which contains Southern California. With care, the golden cane palm reaches heights of up to 28 feet. Pruning – which several palm growers consider to the severe – is is among the the most misunderstood elements of palm tradition, in accordance with horticulturalist M.L. Robinson. Only extremely selective pruning to gain their health and development is needed by cane palms.

Immerse your pruning shears in an answer of half bleach and half clear water for approximately five minutes. Dry them completely using a towel. The the gear is sterilized by this and AIDS in preventing the spread of illness.

When pruning your palm Wear heavy gardening gloves, function goggles as well as a mask.

Prune the palm fronds which are obviously dying or completely lifeless, reducing down them . Fronds that are dead are usually drooping and totally brown. Avoid eliminating fronds that are green these leaves really supply potassium and other nutrients encouraging development that is healthful. Always leave at least two rows of fronds that are mature.

The single-row of fronds that are lower down to the stem. This is optional and may be completed for aesthetic reasons or to help prevent insect and fungus infestations.

Remove the little flowers or purple or yellow fruits of the cane palm in the summertime. Removing these fruits helps release the starch the tree can use to create roots and fronds.

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