Studio Apartment Tips

A studio apartment usually has a bath and a large room, which is used for living, sleeping and dining functions. According to an overall online apartment hunt in July 2010, San Francisco studios tend to operate anywhere from $800 a month to over $1,000. Maximize space in your studio apartment with a few simple organizational hints.

Organized Layout

Studio apartments are often very small, and your living, dining, bathing and cooking areas are often all in the same room. To avoid excess clutter and chaos, you’ll have to arrange your studio apartment on several levels. First, decide how to segment off the apartment. The kitchen is a clear place to start, since all your utilities are already set. The dining area will have to be near the kitchen, along with the sleeping area should probably be as far away as possible. By way of instance, if you’ve got a studio with a deep length, you could consider putting the sleeping area in back, with a sofa or room divider to separate a little living space. The dining and kitchen areas can be at the front part of the apartment. Keep bedroom items and clothes in the sleeping area, living items at the living room area and kitchen items from the kitchen to avoid losses and confusion.


Wait to purchase storage items till you’ve resided at the studio for a couple of days. Now you will understand what items you’ll need and where they can go without standing out. Storage boxes for under the bed are helpful, as are shoe holders that hang on the back of a cupboard door. Corner shelves utilize space that is usually empty, and trunks and dressers are always a choice if space allows. Install shelves in the cupboard to keep items from the living area. Ceiling-high bookshelves are an efficient way to arrange office papers and stacks of books.

Multi-functional Furniture

To make even more living space, you could consider using furniture that serves many functions. By way of instance, instead of having a bed and a sofa, you can save yourself money and space simply by using a futon or sofa sleeper. A large entertainment centre with lots of drawers can double as a dresser for clothes or other items. A half-used bookshelf could be employed to store dishes or towels.

Lighting Tips

Use bright mirrors and lights to give the illusion of more space. Apartment Therapy online indicates using dimmer lights to illuminate cabinets and shelves. To conserve space, hang light fixtures from walls instead of standing them in corners or on tables. Check with your landlord before attaching light fixtures or anything else to the wall, since some contracts might not allow it.

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