Reviving a Lawn having a Wetting Agent

Healthy lawns rely heavily on appropriate moisture, so anything which prohibits water from penetrating the soil surface is very likely to be bad for lawns. Fortunately, wetting agents can help water move into the ground more efficiently. Prior to applying one, nevertheless, it’s very important to understand how they function and also to ascertain if you really need one.

Hydrophobic Soil

Some lawns, particularly during the warm, dry season, can suffer when their soil becomes unable to efficiently absorb water. When moisture cannot penetrate the soil thoroughly, grass roots suffer from lack of water and wilting, shriveling and leaf scorch may occur. Hydrophobia, or inability to absorb water, often occurs when organic substances like fungal mycelium cause wax-like accumulation in the soil that repels water. This could result in perplexing dry spots in the middle of an otherwise healthy lawn.

What Are Wetting Agents?

Wetting agents are substances that help water soak into the ground. Patches of soil that resist wetting may severely damage the grass growing there by avoiding water from ever reaching the root zone, and a wetting agent can loosen this stranglehold and permit moisture to penetrate down to the soil. Hydrophobic soil seems to exist at a layer, sometimes concentrated on the upper inch, other times going 5 to 18 inches deep. A wetting agent allows water to make it through that surface layer, where it may then move freely in the soil below. Wetting agents are easiest for homeowners to employ within their commercially available granular kind.

Decisions, Decisions

Deciding when to use a wetting agent can be tricky, and despite packaging claims, it won’t always boost the movement of water in soil. Healthy lawns, for example, are not likely to see progress with the addition of a wetting agent. However, if your bud is exhibiting mysterious dry patches, then it is possible to conduct a simple field test. Put a drop of water on bare soil and watch how it acts. If it soaks into the soil in less than a few seconds, then a wetting agent probably won’t help. If it beads up and requires more, you could probably benefit from one.

Maintaining the Green

The health of your lawn depends on several things. Particularly if your bud is already experiencing problems like hydrophobic soil, don’t add to its pressure by trying to develop it in the shade or limiting its water if you don’t need to. Beware that although wetting agents are also present in materials like dishwashing detergent, this is not a good substitute for wetting agents specifically aimed toward turf. Products which include soap can further harm already tense lawns, which means you shouldn’t use them.

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