Post and Lintel

Post and lintel structure has been used for centuries. It contains vertical poles together with an overhead flat beam, or lintel, that spans the distance between them. Where there’s an opening in a wall socket, such as a window or door, post and lintel structure is used to support the weight of the roof or floors above.

Alan Mascord Design Associates Inc

This rough-hewn post and lintel structure is a design highight within this room.

Allied ASID, Ruth Richards

A carved-wood lintel transfers the burden of the roofing into the stone walls enclosing the wall instead of into the door.

Murphy & Co.. Design

A lintel over a window is also known as a header.

3 Fold Design Studio

Exposed doorway lintels comparison with the surrounding stone–the poles are hidden in the walls.

Witt Construction

This lintel adds support over the hollow walls which home these pocket doors.

Post and lintel structure provies support over a broad wall opening.

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