An essential element to a wholesome lawn is using well-draining, mineral rich land. Proper watering, fertilizing and grass control are key in avoiding problems, such as drought strain and infection, but good dirt is essential to vigorous growth. Peat moss as a soil amendment increases your lawn soil’s ability to keep water and helps to improve aeration.
Moisture Retention
Soil holds water that is either accessible to plants or inaccessible since it’s bound to soil particles. Silt loams possess the water available to plants, although clay soil holds the most complete water inside it. Sandy soils often have trouble retaining moisture, while clay soils might have lots of moisture inside them, however little of it’s available to your grass. Both of these moisture retention problems may lead to dry spots. Peat moss can hold up to 20 times its dry weight in water, so applying a layer of peat moss a top dressing on your lawn can allow it to recover because it acts just like a sponge. The peat moss absorbs the water, and the grass that is in contact with the wet peat moss layer will absorb a number of that moisture too.
Improved Aeration and Drainage
Drainage problems are typical in certain soils, such as clay or sand. Appropriate drainage is crucial for deep root growth, which is critical for a wholesome lawn. Adding natural materials, such as peat moss, to your lawn may improve the soil texture and drainage. Clay soils in particular benefit from aeration, because it improves filtration and prevents runoff. Aerated soils also encourage the microorganisms that will help make existing nutrients from the soil more available for your grass. The consequences won’t be immediate, because enhancing soil structure takes time.
Improved Structure
Organic material in your lawn improves the soil structure over time. Peat moss contains more than 95 percent organic material, when applied to lawns, also it will help to add nutrients into the surface layer of your lawn’s soil. Once this layer breaks in compacted soils, it also breaks up the dirt particles to boost air flow through the ground. Peat may also add body to sandy soils, plus it holds fertilizer to prevent leaching.
Healthy lawns require 6 to 8 inches of good soil for healthy root growth and a soil that’s rich in organic matter is ideal. When applying peat moss to soil before seeding a lawn, spread 1 to 3 inches of peat over the ground and work it into a depth of about 6 inches. After seeding new lawns, employ a 1/4-inch layer of peat over the grass seeds. If you are laying sod, fill in the gaps between rows using peat to make more even seams. For existing lawns, top dress with a 1/4- to 1/2-inch layer of peat moss and rake to distribute it over the lawn. Surface applications take time to provide immediate dirt benefits, but also the use of peat moss can quickly repair damaged areas brought on by animal urine, infection, and soil compaction, also helps to decay thatch. Dig about 2 inches of peat moss into the first 6 inches of the damaged area of lawn, and follow this with seed and another thin layer of peat.